Hi korang....
Lama da ak x menulis kt blog..sbb apa erk?? ntah la.....no reason..
Know what..I am still unemployed..still trying to find my real self and my long lasting jobs.
Actually ak ad je pergi intervuiew mane2..kerajaan mahupun swasta... last week dpt tawaran kerja as Admin kat KL... tp ak tolak atas sebab2 tertentu..such as..environment..the office..the staffs..the how the things run there...etc..
Yeah..mostly my friends thinks 'Ruginye tolak kerja tu atas sebab2 yg mmg bg dorg x masuk akal'.. YUP..mmg x masuk akal pn and I know that experiences is more important..but I do have some prinsip in my life that I wont do the same mistake twice. Ckup la pengalaman kerja swasta dulu..mmg perit and stress all the time. Sbb tu ak lebih berhati2 memilih kerja..x salah kn?
So sepanjang stay kat rumah ni...byk la apply kt gov..even result ak xde la gempak mana.. tp no harm try kan..kalau dpt interview..buat sehabis baik and hopefully dapat..if dapat kerja gov..mmg ak x memilih gaji..sbb ye la..gov kan mmg payah nk dpt..plus benefit dia byk kan...hehehhe
Smlm baru lepas exam online SPA for Pembantu Tadbir..hopefullu lulus and dpt interview..Amin~
Now sambil2 xde buat apa ni..ak ad jual produk2 SERI DEWI MALAM~
Nnt la next entry ak sambung citer psl produk ni..nk ckp skrg pn x habis..hehehhee
Kalau free leh ler jemput singgah IG seridewimalam_ana & FB Ana JSDM SK . Kat situ melambak da ak post sal produk ni plus dia punya info lg..hehehhehe and semua yg ak jual semua yg ak da cuba tau. So korang xyah nk ragu2 Eh betul ke ok produk ni and so on er... Confirm. Dijamin! hahah
K la korang..Choww..
Lot of love,
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